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MORE BOOKS: The Books of the Future


There are several books in the offing, I promise!  I have a medieval setting in mind for the future -- that one will have several parts. The working titles are below, they might change... Then there's a comic one with a fun, and somewhat kooky heroine based on a couple actual people.

The Prince's Power (working title)

A medieval tale of royalty and terrifying fealty. 


The Clan Cainishmare is a proud and powerful noble family with strong ties to the crown. The Prince . . .

The Kept Series (working title)

Kellyann is a modern gal and she has some bills to pay.  She's got a great job lined up, but some past debts can not wait and she knows the fastest way to get cash is escorting.  Kellyann and has done some escort service work in the past without any untoward ramifications, so she grovels to her old agency, she swears for the last time.  But times have changed.  The job she is sent on turns a little unusual and requires a much longer term commitment than she had anticipated.  But the payday is too much to pass up.  

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